Monday, July 10, 2017

When I started at Christie last fall, the graphic novel section was pretty small. Graphic novels have become such a hit with kids these days, and many of the students were asking for more. We added The Babysitters Club,  Sisters, Smile, Ghosts, and the Amulet series. These were so popular I never saw them on the shelf. Well, now it is time to increase the graphic novel section again at the beginning of the school year. I am excited to add Shannon Hale's new graphic novel, Real Friends to our graphic novel section. This book is going to be a hit, so I will probably order 2 or 3. This graphic novel is a definite must in schools today. We can all remember the pain of forging friendships back in elementary and middle school. This book took me back to my elementary years for sure! This graphic novel is an autobiography of Shannon Hale's years in elementary school, and she takes you through  the tricky web of trying to fit in with different friends and different 'groups'. Some of this is a little  painful which is the same today for students. Students will definitely find themselves in this story, and hopefully will feel better about what is going on in their friendships, too. This is a must read and everyone should not miss the dedication page and the author's note. Those are just as important as the book!

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