Sunday, July 2, 2017

On our vacation in Washington D.C., we happened on several really cute bookshops. It is so nice to be able to go into a independent bookstore other than Barnes and Noble for once. I really do not know of any independents here in the Dallas area. So, while we were at one shop, they happen to have a stack of picture books that they were getting ready to shelve.  I had heard of several picture books in the pile. The first book I picked up was Maya Lin: Artist-Architect of Light and Lines. How fitting that the first book in the stack was about the young girl who designed the  Vietnam Memorial Wall while we were in D.C.? Even though I had visited the wall before, I had no idea a young woman won a contest to design the memorial wall. Maya Lin is a young college student who loves to look at the spaces around her: her house, her backyard... When she hears of the design contest for the creation of the Vietnam Memorial Wall, she enters.. along with 1500 other people..several who are famous artists. This is a great book for any girl  who might desire to achieve something big, something that mainly boys achieve. I loved this book, and I loved rooting for Maya during the book! Can't wait to order it for  Christie's library collection!

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